Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jalen's 6 Month Update

Jalen had his 6 mth check-up today and got his 6 mth vaccinations, he did great but still has a good sized knot on his right thigh that we keep massaging where they gave him a couple of his shots. He has also cut some teeth, the top 2 have came through and the ones on either side of the top two are on their way in too but he is being very good and still sleeping through the night so no complaints here. He is loving the new veggies and oatmeal cereal too but they're just for snacks, he is still mainly on breastmilk and some formula and is growing big and strong! Here's his stats from today:

16 lbs (25th percentile)
26 inches (35th percentile)
Head size, can't remember but 25th percentile also.

I'll put up more recent pictures this weekend, so check back later.

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