Friday, November 20, 2009

1 Year old and doing so much now

Jalen is growing up so quick, he is 1 year old now and in the past week he does the following:
*No longer crawls, just stands up if he falls down and keeps walking
*Runs/walks really fast without falling (most of the time)
*Dances 2 ways, 1. by bouncing/squatting repetitively and 2. by marching/stomping up and down while watching his feet
*Can clap and will clap appropriately (ie: if you sing his favorite song "itsy bitsy spider")
*Makes kissing noises and gives real kisses now
*Can blow kisses with the back of his hand when you tell him to
*Can pat the back of his hand on his mouth while making a noise to make the indian chanting type sounds
*Is off formula and onto 2%milk and only nursing 1x in the am and 1x in the pm
*Eats with all the toddlers at daycare and loves it there
*Walks around the house with the phone to his ear
*As soon as he hears the bath water running, he comes flying into the bathroom and stands at the tub to watch and almost tries to climb in
*Tries to climb on the couch but when you put him on it, he is able to turn himself around and slide off of it on his belly...he also like to jump off of it if he sees you are there to catch him.

Walking around after his 1st birthday party with his balloons

Having fun outside after the party, yes it was warm here in OK in November

Eating cake for the first time!


The Morris Family said...

Precious boy! So good to see he is growing like a weed! How is OK going for you? Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

The Rossellis said...

He is too adorable! I can't believe he is ALREADY one.