Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years

Happy New Years Everyone...
we had a wonderful New Years Eve last night with our friends down the street and some of their friends visiting from out of town. We had appetizers, drinks and played lots of games (Mad Gab, Things, and Smart Ass...I won the last of course!) and stayed up well past midnight. Jalen slept through the night pretty much and only woke up one time during our celebrations which was pretty good since we were not quiet and there was 7 of us.

Yesterday morning Jim and Chris has to head back to AZ so we got some group pictures before they left and I went to work. We had a great time with them although it went so quickly and we wished they had more time here! They did get to see all of Ada, my work, the park, ate at a few of our town famous restaurants and of course spent lots of time playing with their little angel, Jalen.

Jalen has been doing some pretty funny things. He likes to throw his dirty clothes in the hamper all by himself and today when I told him he had a poopy diaper and I needed to change him he looked at me and walked to his room and pointed up to the changing table so I lifted him up and he laid there happily (that does not happen too often!). He also started jabbering and trying to use his tongue, I swear I thought he was just going to start having a converstaion with real words the way his mouth started trying to form the words. Here are some pictures from Christmas day up until yesterday morning...I'll try to post some videos later this weekend of him running around the house and playing with all of his new toys.

Jalen with Nana and Boompa

Family picture

On a walk at the park

playing with Nana and Boompa

Nana and Boompa at the park

riding his horse he got last Christmas from Auntie Beth and Uncle Scott...he loves it now

Kissing his baby doll

watching his favorite tv show still...Wheel of Fortune (he has to watch it every night with dinner)

Posing in a pair of his new fleece jammies from Grammie

Showing off his ornament from Grammie, a sock monkey...he loves monkeys and of all animals knows exactly what a monkey is when you ask him to pick it out.

Hanging out with Laila

Go Illini

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