Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 2010 and Exciting News!!!

Well,I have been a bit behind on the blog lately. We have had so much going on lately that it was just put on the back burner but I'll get you up-to-date. Jalen is now 18 mths old and actually getting some long hair (for him at least). His hair is still so blonde that it is hard to tell in some lights but up close it is there and getting quite long especially on the sides and in back. He has been talking up a storm although it is still his language of trying to communicate. We can usually tell what he is saying but I'm sure others can't so well. He constantly still says "uh-oh" and now loves calling the dogs which ends up sounding like "ay-ya" for Laila and "ah-la" for Ali. He has been doing better at day care with his biting reports although in the last 2 weeks I have had 3 papers to sign off on 2 in regards to him being bitten for no reason and 1 for him running and falling flat on his face and ending up with a big fat upper lip and scratch up to his nose. He's a tough boy though and none of this phases him. Jalen also has his school pictures taken so I will put them up when I get a chance. They turned out so cute! We have been having quite a bit of rain and thunderstorms here too and as I'm sure you've seen on the national news, some tornadoes. We are lucky that Ada generally gets missed though so even though we have had some warnings already and alerts to take cover, we have not been hit.

In other news, as most of you know now...We're Adopting! We are so excited and have started the long process towards adopting a little boy or girl from Ethiopia. We have a new website dedicated to our adoption process and would love for you to follow along and pass it on to anyone you know.

here are a few pictures from the month of May so far...enjoy!

Jalen in his MSU t-shirt from papa

Jalen playing with his friend Carter (and Carter's mom Heather)

Jalen and Mommy during the tornado warning, watching the storm

Our back and front yard during the big storms

Playing ski-ball at a b-day party for a little girl in his class

Riding on the carousel, notice the healing fat lip

Riding on a choo-choo

Hanging out with Carter and his parents (Heather and Buck)

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