Saturday, July 31, 2010

Smart Lil' Cookie

Jalen's such a smart little boy and I know he must get so frustrated that he can't always communicate what he wants with us but he is getting better. His speech is becoming more and more clear by the day and he is really into mimicking everything we do now so gotta start watching what we say and do :)

Today he kept repeating "a ball" over and over and pointing to our hall closet where we keep our vacuum and Swiffer broom. I kept telling him "there is no ball in there" but finally gave in and opened the door, he grabbed the Swiffer broom and went running into the kitchen where he got down on his hands and knees and shoved the broom under the stove (like he has seen mommy do before to get a small object out when it is pushed or rolled under). He thought there was a ping-pong ball under there and knew just what to do to get it out. Unfortunately there was no ball there so he was very persistent to keep trying and I have my camera in reach so I was able to record his persistence. Sometimes he just amazes me with what he knows and how his little brain works!

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