Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pictures with my new camera

Yesterday we went to a graduation party and Jalen got to play with Logan and Aila and had lots of fun too. It's so cute to see him at the stage where he can start to play with other babies! Last night when we got home right before bed Jalen felt really hot so I took his temp, 102.5, then soon after it got to 103.5! We gave him more fluids, Motrin and placed a cool washcloth on his head and legs while he was nursing to cool him worked and he went to bed at his normal 99 degree temp. At 3:30 he woke up not happy, 102 fever again, coughing, congested, etc etc. By the time I changed his diaper, nursed him and got him cooled down a bit it was too late to make it to an overnight pediatric office so we took him to the ER. Since he is teething and just got vaccinations it could be from a number of reasons and the doctor thought so too, he said Jalen sounded good, looked good and he was happy that Jalen was fussy and alert (mom and dad...tired and not so happy..ha ha) He told us to alternate Motrin and Tylenol until his fever regulates and just keep giving him plenty of fluids so that is what we've been doing all day. Today was rough! Jalen has never been to the point that he is fussy all day and almost inconsoleable but today he would pnly nap for 20 mins ata time and wake up very upset, the only thing that seems to calm him is going outside (which we can't do much of considering the 105 deg weather) and nursing so that is about all I feel like I've done today.

I have split up his vaccinations in the past but this time thought 3 pokes wouldn't be that much more than the 2 he's had in the past...I was wrong...from now on out we will be splitting them up even if it means coming back a week later for 1 little poke! Not that we know it is the def reason he isn't doing well but we all agree it is probably a good chance and the dr. recommened we call our pediatrician Mon morning and tell him what's going on in case the vaccinations were a bad batch and had some additives that are giving Jalen the bad side effects. As far as the upper respiratory issue he is having, that would be separate but probably is being heightened by the vaccination side effects and teething. By the way he has his top 4 teeth in...none on the bottom yet! Well, since he's sleeping, I'm off to bed now too. My mom gets in tomorrow morning and I can't wait, she'll be here for almost a month and will be watching Jalen while Jason is at work and I'm at my final rotation.

Jalen playing with Aila and Logan

Trying to get the blocks in the shape sorter, he got one in too and was so excited!

Thinking about what to play with next...

Sharing a toy with Aila

Stealing Aila's flower after she took his toy

Laila giving Jalen kisses...she loves him!

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