Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Jalen said his first word!!!!

Tonight Jalen said "ma ma"...yay!!!!! I don't know if he knows the meaning of what he said but it seemed like as soon as he started to crawl he would say "ma ma, ma ma" It is very clear though and so weird to hear it come out of his mouth. Now he thinks he is something else and is just talking away trying out other sounds. He is also crusing pretty well now and cruised the length of our coffee table but if he sees me sitting there, he tries to let go and reach out for me. If you hold out your hand he can take a few steps holding on with one hand but as soon as he gets both hands, he takes off. He also stood by himself today a couple times, only for a few seconds, but still impressive to me. Jalen also has another odd TV favorite...drum roll please....The Golden Girls! Not so much the show but he is glued to the opening song and just stares at all the "grandmas" and as soon as the song finishes, he flaps his hands and pats them on his legs and giggles. So in recap, Jalen loves Wheel of Fortune, Family Fued, Price is Right and now Golden Girls....Sesame Street and Baby Einstein do nothing for him :o)

Below are some pictures of Jalen with his pj's half way on...he thought it was funny to have his shirt stuck on his head.

1 comment:

The Morris Family said...

YEAH for Jalen! Love the new pictures...adorable!