Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jalen Getting So Big!

So a lot has went on since I have last posted. Jalen came down with RSV and bronchiolitis 2 weeks ago so we were at 2 ERs within 3 days, but he is doing much better now and today is his last day of breathing treatments. He is 23 inches long and 11lbs 2 oz. He is now almost 3 1/2 months old and is so attentive it's kind of scary. He is laughing now and it is so cute. When we take him and the dogs to the park to run, I sit on the ground with him and when the dogs come running toward us, he just cracks up...I'm going to try to get it on video if I can because it is just so funny to hear someone so little laugh so hard! Also if Jason is holding him and I walk by he follows me the whole way. Yesterday I was sweeping the floor and he sat on Jason's lap watching me as I went just as serious as could be and when I would acknowledge him by smiling or saying something to him, he would get the biggest smile on his face, it's just so cute to watch him see better and learn new things.

We leave for Chicago next Sat and are so excited to see everyone and just be around lots of friends and family. It will be Jalen's first trip so we are hoping he travels well and we're not the family that gets booted from the plane for having a screaming baby :o) It will also be Jalen's first time swimming as we will be at Wisconsin Dells at the Kalahari Resort for a night (the 2nd biggest indoor waterpark in the US)

Blowing bubbles

Happy baby

Deep thought

Such a handsome boy

Jackson (4 weeks) & Jalen (16 weeks)

3 months old and sitting up better

With Dr. Carrazco...we like him!

Jalen at the dr's

Hanging out on mom and dad's bed

Wearing a new outfit from Grammie

Tired little boy

This is the outfit we brought him home in, it now actually fits!

Trying to eat the plant

Playing in his exersaucer

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