Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Question ???

I have less than 3 weeks before I start my clinical rotation and am trying really hard to keep Jalen's schedule consistent even on weekends...9:00 feeding, 9:30 bath, 10:00 bedtime and he was doing great with going down and staying asleep for 4 hours but now the past 3 nights he falls asleep on me and when I go to put him in his Pack N Play, he wakes up and cries and cries and won't go to sleep. I was letting him cry it out at first and within 5-8 mins he would be asleep but the past few nights he will cry off and on for 30mins to an hour varying in cries that are like whimpers to all out screams, so my question is..How long do you let your baby cry until they fall asleep?

On The Doctors TV show they say letting a baby cry for up to 10 mins is okay but it has been shown that crying over 10 mins decreases blood supply to the brain and isn't good for babies. Now I don't know if Jalen's off and on cries count as more than 10 mins because it isn't 10mins straight but still I am wondering what is best for him and for us.

So what works for you?


Gina Mcreynolds said...

Pick him up, he is only this age once and before long he won't want you to hold him! Ha ha! I believe babies put themselves on their own schedules and if he is crying he must not be ready for bed yet.

Joshua and Hilary said...

I know it's so stressful trying to figure out what to do and what not to do.... especially when he's still this young. Jude thrives on routine, but I think that really mostly got established around 4 months, consistently that is. I think you're probably doing everything right Joely as far as doing your best to keep somewhat of a routine right now. But Jude was the same way there in the beginning as far as being great for a couple days and then just when I'd think I'd have it figured it, he'd change and then I'd be confused. Just go with your gut, I say. If you feel like he's just working himself up more by letting him cry, then go in and hold him for a bit. I think the 10 minute rule at this age is good. Eventually he'll get this routine thing down and you'll be good to go. Once he's older (like around 4 to 5 months) I felt better about letting Jude "cry it out"... although he's never been a big long lasting crier (so I'm lucky that way). You're still in the weird in between stage where you feel awful letting him cry because for all you know he needs something- I totally remember that. Again, yeah, go with you gut. That's what I did- and Jude has survived so far! (o; I love you Joely! You're a great mamma! Love, Hil

Julie L. said...

I am with Gina, I could never stand to let them cry, pick him up and cuddle and rock him. He will figure it out.

The Rossellis said...

With Ethan and Brody at that age, I learned to never get too comftorable with a set "schedule." It seemed that anytime I got them on a "schedule" and got used to it, they would change it. So don't stress yourself out about it, I am sure you are doing a great job!!

As for the 10 minute rule, my pediatrician said that it only counted when the baby had his/her full blown cry (the one you know they are actually upset, not the "I need attention one.") When Ethan turned 5 months old he was still waking up every two hours at night. It got to the point I couldn't do it anymore with working and everything so I made him cry himself through the night (it was not easy, but it was worth it!) it took two hours the first night and an hour or so the second night. After that he started sleeping through the night and got on more of a set schedule.

When my boys were that age I didn't enjoy them enough. I tell Darren all the time I can't wait for Caelum to get here, just for that reason. I miss the cuddling and how much they need you at that age, Caelum is probably going to get too spoiled. My "big" boys now are only interested in their HotWheels, they come to me when they want breakfast lunch or dinner. HAHA!

The Sheppard Bunch said...

With Logan we started the ferber method at 6 weeks of age. It is where you let them cry for increasing intervals but then you go in and comfort them by singing/patting them on the back- but you don't pick them up because they learn that if they cry then mommy or daddy will pick them up. It took only 4 days and each night it was a little bit better. It was definitely hard to see him so upset but it worked. With Aila I cherished the time I got to cuddle with her more and ended up letting her sleep in bed with us up until this week. I didn't really lose too much sleep even though she was getting up every two hours because I could nurse her laying down and pretty much sleep through a feeding. I put her in her crib a few nights ago when she was awake and she didn't even fuss and went straight to sleep and slept all night. She has done it every night since. It was alot easier than the ferber method. I think it was because she was ready, not because I was trying to make her get on a schedule. Good luck! I know you will figure out what works for you. Every parent is differnt and so is every child!

Wendy said...

I never let my baby cry....especially at this age, he's telling you he needs something. He's probably hungry. Breastmilk is digested in 1 1/2 hours, so he will need to eat more frequently. Hugs and praying for you to get your routine down.