Saturday, December 6, 2008

Who does Jalen look like???

I've been meaning to get these pictures up and since Jalen is napping right now, I have some time to do it.

Everyone has asked us who we think he looks like and some people say he looks "just like Jason" and some say he looks "just like me", I guess I can see both of us depending on the face he is making or the angle you look at him from, but he also looks like both of our baby pictures too so we'll just have to wait and see who he looks more like when he gets bigger.

Here are our baby pictures so you can decide.

Joely at 6 weeks

Joely at 4 weeks

Jason at a few days-1week

1 comment:

GM said...

I think his profile looks like his grandpa West (Earl). He is a cutie. Have fun. Great Aunt Marcia and Great Uncle Mike